- I said 2 for the price of 1!
- This is 4 for the price of 2...
which comes out
the same, master!
- Is that right?
- Sure it is. Can't you add?
It's a deal.
There are more than
60 types of cuckolds.
Wow! That's more
than there are birds!
The "hasty" type is
cuckolded before marriage...
and the "careful" type
likes his wife well-dressed!
Come on, dearie,
eat it, please!
Forgive my asking,
but do you talk to dogs?
I do. Why?
Do you want to talk to me?
- And does it listen?
- She listens...
but she doesn't
do what I say.
I've been begging her to eat
all day, but she just won't.
- If it won't, I will!
- She's lost her appetite.
She barely ate today.
We haven't even
gotten to the "barely"!
She had manioc and
milk in the morning...
- Manioc and milk...
...a tiny bit of cassava...
A tiny bit of cassava...
...and an itsy-bitsy serving
of chicken stew.
Chicken stew...
At around 1O a. m...
...she had a bowl of porridge.
- A bowl of porridge!
A tiny bowl,
because I begged her.
If you beg me a little,
I swear I'll eat!
Even if you don't,
we'll eat just the same.
What nerve you've got!
You have your own food!
We feed you like kings,
and you ingrates complain!