- A bitch?
- Yes.
- For me to bless?
- Yes.
That's crazy,
plain nonsense!
I told him you wouldn't.
He insisted, so here we are.
There's no way
I'll do it!
I don't see anything
wrong with blessing it.
Didn't you bless
Major Moraes's new mill?
A mill is something
everyone blesses.
But I've never heard
of blessing a bitch!
I like dogs better than mills.
But that will make
a laughing stock out of me.
It's fine to bless a mill,
everyone does it. But not a dog!
The priest is right, Chicó.
People will mock him.
One thing is Major
Antonio Moraes' mill.
Another is Major
Antonio Moraes' bitch.
I said the Major's mill was one
thing, and his bitch, another.
So the bitch's owner, of whom
you speak, is Antonio Moraes?
Yes. I didn't want to come,
because you'd be mad.
But he's rich and powerful.
I work for him...
so I had to do it, or I'd lose my job.
But I told Chicó you'd be angry.
No, Jack!
What right has a Minister of God
to be angry?
So, you'll bless it, right?
- What do you think?
- It's no big deal.
I agree. There's no harm
in blessing God's creatures!
So all's well with God!
The bitch will be blessed,
and everyone will be happy!
Tell the Major to come.
I'll be waiting!
Eurico, you sissy...
...still cheating your customers?
- Major Antonio Moraes!