A funeral for the bitch?
Yes, and it has to be in Latin.
- Or else, it won't do.
- In Latin, it won't do.
- In Latin, it will do!
- Yes, in Latin, it will do!
You're all crazy!
I'm not giving the bitch a funeral!
The Brotherhood will
lose its funding!
- I won't do it!
- The Brotherhood has lost its funding!
- I won't do it!
- My husband resigns the presidency!
- I won't do it!
- I resign the presidency!
- I won't do it!
- The little cow...
will be taken from the
church right away!
- You heartless woman!
- Heartless?
Because I don't want to see
the buzzards eat my bitch?
- Will you bury her or not?
- If it were up to God, I'd do it.
The problem is the Bishop!
All you'll ever get is stale bread,
cash up-front!
- You cruel woman!
- And for double the price!
- Can you spare some change?
- No.
- Help a poor one-eyed beggar!
- Why should I?
- Did I poke your eye out?
- No, sir, you didn't.
I can poke the other eye out,
so I'd have to give you money.
The bitch stays until
the priest agrees to bury her.
But, dear, she's
starting to smell.
Then you leave!
Maybe the stench won't be so bad!
Give me a free hand,
and I'll get the bitch buried.
- You've got it.
- Can I loose the purse strings?