Im looking to see the Chilean Sea Bass.
- It's not on the sideboard?
- No. I see no Bass.
Im gonna kill that son-of-a-bitch!
Fakir! Did you move my fish?
Im talking to you.
Did you move my fish?
Could it be this one lying here
disguised as an Artic Char?
Artic Char! The other son-of-a-bitch,
Glucksman, who calls himself the fish man.
- Boss, Im getting pissed.
- I validate that emotion. Netto, Problem!
- Yes, boss.
- Bouillabaisse?
- In there 20 minutes.
- This pot is empty.
- This pot is bouillabaisse-less.
- Fakir! What did I tell you?
- You got a minute, boss?
- Yeah. Where'd it go?
- Taste it.
- Tumeric.
- No tumeric!
- How much? Three or four?
- Four.
- You're right. Perfect. Congratulations!
Excuse me? Im here to meet Will.
Of course.
I know, I got it, I got it.
What happened to Lynn?