Autumn in New York

I can't believe this!
Breathe, breathe.
Breathe... are you alright?
That's not accurate. Neuroblastoma is a
soft-tissue malignancy, but not a cancer.

Most common in children.
Very rare in young adults.

In Charlotte's case...
the tumor is in her chest cavity.

ItÂ’s growing rapidly, it's proved
resistant to both the radiation...

and the chemotherapy.
- What about alternative therapies?

Eastern medicine...?
You don't hum this away.
Charlotte is the expert in that area.
Eventually, she'll be treated for pain.
I suppose, as a final effort...
surgery could become on option.

But it's risky. So risky that
Charlotte has...

signed a directive forbidding it,
or any other form...

of heroic intervention.
All right.
Do you have any idea...
about time?

A year. Maybe a year, at best.
