How'd it happen?
How do you pull
the heist of the decade...
and get busted for a DWl?
What kind of man...
goes out celebrating...
after he pops two boys
in the back of the head?
Look, I didn't....
You're not hanging that on me.
They were on the floor...
It was an execution, pure and simple.
No guns, man.
Look, I'm a contractor.
I'm no fucking shooter!
Then who?
Just give me the names.
A name. It was just....
There was just one other guy.
It was me and him.
- Bullshit. Bullshit!
- One guy. One guy!
I swear it.
Computer is what this guy's got.
He's got the whole government wired.
Come on, Jaster, tell me who.
Give me the goddamn name, Jaster.
Just give me a name.
Please, listen to me.
Get me a doctor.
Get me a doctor. Please.
- I'll give you a name.
- You're giving me a brain tumor.
You give me a pass,
I'll give you the fucking gold!
Nobody knows where it is
but me, you know.
Did you burn your partner?