
You trying to try
some sneaky shit, huh?

Gonna fool me with the quiet voice
while you beat on my body.

You can do that,
but you can't beat on my soul.

Do the words "Stokely Carmichael"
mean anything to y'all?

Reverend Malcolm X?
Reverend AI Sharpton?

I see you taking off your Timex.
I ain't telling you shit nor
the brothers behind the aquarium.

You can kiss my ass
with your tongue...

and I will take
this information to my grave.

The man said something
about the Bronx Zoo, okay?

We completed our search
of The World of Darkness.

That would be your bats,
your leopard cats, your mole rats.

We came up empty, sir.
"There's no place like home".
- It's gotta be a building.
- We checked them all.

We checked the monkey house,
the reptile house, the giraffe house.

Even the outhouse.
We scanned the entire grounds
to a depth of 20 feet.

This guy was
a heavy-equipment operator.

Five minutes with a machine,
he could've buried the gold anywhere.

So where does that leave us, sir?
Come on, let's go
check the outhouse again.

Let's go.
We have a national security crisis.
Citadel 4 is the same system we use
to safeguard our nuclear facilities.

This guy took it apart like
he was hot-wiring a Toyota.

I'll give you the short version.
