You wouldn't understand.
I wouldn't understand? I don't
understand why we ain't celebrating.
I'm out. I'm back home.
Home? No, see, this is my house.
I pay the bills, I pay the rent.
You pay...?
Exactly. Excuse me.
You're upset. Stevie was the one
behind the whole thing.
I was on my way to church.
The next thing I know, I'm stealing.
Stevie? I don't remember hearing
anything about Stevie going to jail.
Lisa, look at me. Do I look
like I've been in day camp?
I been around hard-core criminals.
I'd like something soft
up against my body.
I'd like to have a home-cooked meal,
a hug from my woman.
What about a table dance?
- Prison has changed me.
- Oh, really?
Yes, it has. And I'm ready
for responsibility. What is that?
What do you think it is?
A puppy, I hope.
It's not a puppy.
What you been doing since I been gone?
What's going on?
This is your son, Alvin.
That ain't my son.
You think I made it up?
I don't know.
I mean, how?
How? That night,
after Stevie's birthday party.
Yeah, we did and...
He don't really look like me.
He kind of chubby, ain't got no teeth.
IKind of cute.
Can I hold him?
Don't be like that.
Can I hold my son?
He calling for his daddy anyway.