
I cannot believe this. Look at this!
Doesn't it trip you out?
Me and you, and the next thing
you know, we got this.

It's like half and half,
I guess, you know.

- He'll be a little player.
- He won't be a player.

He's strong. Look at that grip.
Big old fella.

I think he sprung a leak.
He kind of smells.

Never mind, Alvin.
I'm going to work. The babysitter
will be here in five minutes.

Come on, Lisa.
Just give me another chance.
I'll get out there, I'll get a job.

Take care of myself.
I'll take care of you.

We got a whole little family.
Don't squeeze me out of that.

You know, Alvin,
it's been really hard.

I know. It's hard for everybody.
Okay, but you gotta prove yourself.
- You gotta get a job.
- I'll get that.

- Stay out of jail.
- I don't remember how to get to jail.

And stop dressing like a thug.
I'll get a new Versace, Gucci.
Maybe I'll consider...
- Making love to your man?
- Having dinner with you.

You'll like the way I cook.
While I was in there, taught me how.

I can cook you anything.
French. Bon giorno.
I can cook ltalian. Ciao, bella.

Or I can cook, like, soul food.
"Daisy, check your greens.
They done spoiled now".

- Goodbye, Alvin.
- Can I get a kiss?

- Goodbye, Alvin.
- All right. Take it easy.

- Lisa?
- Yes?

What's my son's name?
