- How goes it, Ai Jan?
- I'm ready, Holy man.
I never thought,
you would leave Khao Nang Buad.
I asked you to follow us into the jungle,
but you refused.
Live in the jungle?
What about the children of the village?
Was I supposed to just leave them?
Is the temple here as good
as the one in Khao Nang Buad?
My job is to preach and teach.
That is enough for me.
How are you, Holy man?
I'm fine.
And you, little disciple?
It is wartime,
but i am neither wounded nor sick.
- Who has made you a monk?
- The Abbot has given me holy orders.
You have been gone for so long.
We didn't knew what happened to you.
The Abbot said, I could help you
by doing good deeds.
You are blessed.
Your Mother would have been proud of you.
May she rest in piece.
Po Tan, this is Ai Jan.
Po Tan, you didn't had to come.
I would have visited you later.
Ai Jan,
I need to tell you something, -
- and the whole village has to hear it.
The Abbot told me,
that you are a remarkable warrior.
The village needs skilled men, -