I saw Mali and her little child.
Her husband worried so much,
that he got injured in battle.
It must not happen to you.
You may not die from me...
Go back to sleep.
We can learn something from Mali.
What happend to them won't happen to us.
Now I understand,
what it was Ai Tong Maen meant.
We can't wait for the burmese.
we have to retaliate.
Last time I stood guard, -
- I saw some burmesiske deserters
sail down the stream.
It just came to me, we ought
to attack them from the riverside.
If everybody agrees,
Let's do it.
But who will be on guard then?
- You stand guard, Sing.
- Why me?
We can't all go.
Somebody has to stay back home.
You stay as well, Ai Muang.
Stay and protect the village.
No I want to go.
It's not doable. Ai Jan will discover
if too many of us are missing.
Let us get going.
Tonight we give a burmese
commander a columbian necktie!