Battlefield Earth

. . .so I don't look like an idiot
for training you.

But I'm not lying. I put the photo
in your box as soon as it came in.

You are pathetic. You wouldn't last
one day at the academy.

-And I saw you.

You said:
"We use picto-cameras
to spy on other offices.

But under no circumstance
do we spy on our own office. "

That's right. We don't. I do.
Start talking.
The photo's from
last week's recon drone.

It shows a rockslide in the mountains.
It exposed a gold vein.

You were waiting for me to transfer. . .
. . .so you could turn it in
and get credit.

I didn't think you'd mind.
I don't mind. Turn it in. But before
you do, pretend you're not. . .

. . .a complete imbecile. . .
. . .and check the compo gradients.
It's full of uranium. No Psychlo. . .
. . .can get there without his breath gas
exploding. No way to mine the gold.

But what I do mind is that you
betrayed me over a lousy recon photo!

It's worthless! You said so!
But you didn't know it was worthless!
I would never hurt you, sir.
I'm unarmed. You can't shoot me.
It's against regulations, sir.

I can make this up to you, sir.
I promise. I swear.

Please, sir.
You do not have to shoot me, sir.
Shoot you? My most trusted colleague?
Of course not.
We have work to do. Come.

Tomorrow morning, we must warn
the Planetship of the mutiny.
