What is it?
Food. Food!
No spark, no flints, nothing.
You, Floyd?
Plenty to burn.
Nothing to start a fire with.
-That's their favorite.
-Of course it is.
-They could've selected anything.
-It's not cooked.
If man-animal prefers rat uncooked,
then our job is that much easier.
If they like their rat so much,
how come those two aren't eating?
Don't you know anything? The leader
of the pack always eats first. See?
We're really going to have
leverage over them now.
What are you doing?
They know about the camera.
Don't be a knot-head.
It's a man-animal.
It couldn't possibly know about it.
You sure called that one, sir.
No way they know about the cameras.
Move your fat ass
and let's go round them up!
Crap, lousy ceiling!