
and the blush of your cheek and
the sound of your voice as it
floats on the evening breeze.

Compared to you,
that sunset's just--

When is that darn thing gonna set ?
- Maybe we should go.
- No, wait.

There's so much that I wanna say to you,
but I just can't find the words.

I have an idea.
I would like...

to improvise a sonnet
about your hair.

How wonderful
my fair one's face--

Excuse me, fellas.
Might I ask you to...

take the horseplay down
to another part of the beach ?

Uh, no.
You know, rather
than get confrontational,

why don't we all
just sit down together,

have some salad with dolphin-safe tuna
and see if we can't start a dialogue.

You know, I had a feeling
that you were gonna--

Okay, guys, I'm afraid
I'm going to have to ask you...

to respect the moment that
my woman friend and I are sharing...

because it's a special celebration
of love and caring...

and a unique spiritual
and emotional understanding.

- You wanna get a beer ?
- Sure.

Alison, excuse me, but I thought
that this was our time together.

It's just a beer.
I'll be back in two seconds.

Actually, my place
is like 40 minutes from here.

- That's fine. Which way is your car ?
- It's a van.

- Great.
- Alison, I respect your uniqueness
and individuality.

And you're your own person, and if you
want to go with our new friends here...

to get a drink,
I won't stand in your way.

- Okay, thanks, El.
I knew you'd understand.
- No, wait !

Don't go ! I can't handle this
kind of rejection ! Why don't
you wanna stay here with me ?

You wanna know why ?
Because you're just too sensitive !

I'm about to go out of my mind here.
It's been wonderful,
