
You bet I'm upset. You gave me,
like, this little teeny-weeny winkie.

Well, that's easily fixed,
you know. Now then, let's see.

Here's some M&Ms
for room 320.

- Red Hots for 316.
- You're giving them candy ?

Placebos. They work just as well as
the real thing. It's a scientific fact.

You can't give sick people
Tic Tacs !

Sick people have notoriously bad breath.
I'm performing a public service here.

Now then,
about your next wish.

All right, okay. Um--
Well, I wanna be smart.
No, I wanna be really smart.
And I wanna be able to talk good-- well.

- What is the word--
- "Articulate" ?

Articulate. Yeah.
I wanna be articulate.

And I wanna be witty
and sophisticated, charming.

I wanna know everything
about everything...

and I wanna be popular
and I wanna be good-looking.

No, no, make that

And I want Alison to fall absolutely
head over heels in love with me.

- Anything else ?
- Like what ?

Like winkie-wise ?
Oh, right. Um--
Yeah, well, um,
I wanna be--
I wanna be big.

Not like practical joke big,
but, you know, sort of--

Yeah, like that.
Is that clear ?

Crystal. You just say "I wish"
and I'll fill in the rest.

I wish that I was witty
and articulate--

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
You've got it, smarty-pants.

Take two of these
and call me in the morning.

[ Woman]
Oh, Elliot !
