I like it here.
Sorry to bother you.
I'll leave.
It's okay.
I'm going home anyway.
You live around here?
Not far.
You want to come over
and hear some music?
I have some
French records.
Maybe you like...
Edith Piaf,
and Jacques Brel.
Pero estúpido idiota!
Are you out of your mind?
Take the book with you.
Ojalá se te caiga
la pinga, maricón!
And so, ladies and gentlemen,
we have arrived at this
auspicious moment.
We are happy to announce
that the first prize goes to,
"Vivir en Candonga"
by Ezequiel Vieta.
And the honorable mention
goes to Reinaldo Arenas
for "Celestino Antes de Alba."
Thank you.
Thank you for coming
ladies and gentlemen,
and another round of applause
for our contestants.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
You're invited to
Lezama Lima's house.