Por favor!
- Por favor, no me metan ahí!
- Camina!
Por favor!
¿Por qué?
Si no le he hecho
nada a nadie, hombre!
Por favor!
Abran la puerta!
Abran la puerta, por Dios!
No me entren aquí!
Abran la puerta!
¿Por qué me hacen esto?
Está bien...
está bien.
Por Dios!
Abran la puerta, por Dios!
Abran la puerta!
Espera, por Dios, espera!
I felt an indescribable
sadness to see my mother
with that white shirt,
demanding that I come home
and telling me that
I had no other choice.
I gathered all
the strength I had.
After two years
of prison,
you think my only choice
is to go home with you?!
I turned my back on my mother
and ran away.
I will always remember
her standing there like that.
I wanted to go back
and hug her.
But instead,
I ran towards these gigantic
black men playing volleyball.