God loves a Terrier
Yes, he does
God loves a Terrier
That's because
Small, sturdy, bright and true
They give their love to you
God didn't miss a stitch
Be a dog or be a bitch
When he made the Norwich merrier
With his cute little derriere
Yes, God loves a Terrier
What is this? What is this ball?
What is this ball?
Is this your ball? ls this your ball?
We have a wonderful working
And l...
...have to say I wanted the best
...and I get what I want.
You sure did.
This kennel that I opened up
was really just a kennel...
...until Sherri Ann and Leslie
showed up...
...and their generosity has turned
this humble little kennel--
-It was a shit box.
-Well, yeah.
They have turned this place into
a cutting-edge, state-of-the-art...
...kennel facility and I'm just so
grateful to them. It's just fantastic.
With Sherri Ann, we have this fantastic
friendship too. It's really great.
We have a little bit of a family
dynamic going here...
...and it mirrors what I grew up with.
My father was the taskmaster...
...the disciplinarian, which is what
I do, I'm the mommy/daddy.
Like, Mr. Punishment.
Well, you know, I also reward.
But Sherri is responsible for the
unconditional love....
And the decorative abilities.
The heart and soul,
which is what my mother did.
That was her job. She was
there for unconditional love.
And it worked for my family...
...until my mom committed suicide
in '81 .
Here, let me help you out.
Let me help you.