Oh, I thought so. I feel like
Alan Ladd at Easter lsland.
6' 4."
Where you from? Like, Nor--
Nor-land? Norway?
-I'm lrish-German.
-Like Robert Duvall in The Godfather.
Bratwurst and shillelaghs.
Paging Dr. Freud!
-But this time, Robin will make it.
-Bake at 400?
-Yeah. For a very short time.
-Hi. How you doing?
I'm Jana, the production assistant.
They're ready. I'll take you on over.
It's showtime, baby.
Come on, little poochie.
-You were wonderful.
-You were magic.
Don't forget, Saturday
we have reservations.
They're having spring rolls.
-Hey! Hi, I'm Robin.
-I'm Christy.
-How are you?
-I'm Chuck.
-My God! You're so short!
Camera adds a few inches.
I saw you in a store a year ago.
You looked beautiful.
Oh, thank you.
-And this is....
-This is Butch! "Rhapsody in White."
Butch? But isn't Butch a bitch?
-Butch is a bitch.
-Robin and Chuck, be ready in 10.
-There's coffee if you're interested.
-Oh, thank you. Yes.
-Five seconds.
-Here we go.
-I love Japanese food.
-I have to rearrange.
And we're back!
It's a big night here tomorrow.
The Mayflower's
Annual IKennel Club Dog Show.
And with us, owner Sherri Ann Cabot
and handler Christy Cummings...
...with their two-time champion,
Rhapsody in White. Welcome.
-Welcome-- Thank you!
Well, I am particular about my hair.
-But this...!
-Well, this takes about two hours.
What's with the plumber-butt thing
happening on the hip?
These pom-poms are keeping
Butch's hips warm from the cold water.
-The hip joints. It's very important.
-The little drummerette things that--
-Right. We keep--
-Those act as flippers.