You should have slapped him
some more while you were at it!
Fool! No one in Shao Xing can survive
after provoking a Namgung lord!
Why don't you just crush them
like the House of Yu in North Ho?
Shut up!
Why should descendants of the
great Mongols kowtowto that
kind of Han scoundrel?
I said shut up!
Do not mention the Namgung lords
or the House of Yu ever again!
It's been six months already.
Let's leave for Shao Xing now.
Forget about Sullie!
Once you perfect
the Bichun Secret Arts,
there are things that you must do.
I will go to Shao Xing
with or without you.
You almost got yourself killed!
Would Sullie even look at you?
She may be a concubine's child,
but she's the daughter of a rich
and powerful Mongol general!
Wealth and glory are
stretched out before her.
Look at yourself!
You have nothing!
/Stop it!