Scab! Scab! Scab!
Are you sure
you're not going to come?
Am I fuck.
It's a load of bollocks.
No, it's not.
It's a load of shite,
kicking people in.
Anyway, I don't know
why you bother.
- I'm good at it.
-Are you shite? Them gloves--
They went out with the ark.
- They're me dad's, these.
- Exactly.
Right, lads.
Listen up here.
Hold it!
Oi, oi! Here!
Now, because
they're using downstairs...
as a soup kitchen
for the striking miners,
I'm going to let
Mrs. Wilkinson...
use the bottom end
of the boxing hall
for her ballet lessons.
So no hanky-panky.
Elliot, you're late.
Get changed
and get in here.
All right then, lads.
Give it all you got!
Round one.
Well, don't just
stand there, Elliot!
Oh, no! Not again!
This is man-to-man-combat,
not a bloody tea dance.
What're you doin', man?
Hit him!
Greavesy, he's pissing about.
Get stucking and
give him a belt.
- He's like a fanny in a fit.
- Billy, hit him!
Jesus Christ,
Billy Elliot!
You're a disgrace
to them gloves, your father...
and the traditions
of this boxing hall.
You owe us 50 pence.
Ho! Liberace,
will you give it a rest?
Billy, punch bag.