It's this one here!
It's over here!
Tony, do you ever
think about death?
Fuck off!
Night-night, then.
Plenty of boys
do ballet, you know.
Do they now?
What boys do ballet?
Nobody around here,
but plenty of men do.
Not necessarily poofs.
Who, like?
What about Wayne Sleep?
He's not a poof.
He's as fit as an athlete.
Bet he couldn't beat
Daley Thompson.
Maybe not in a race,
but in stamina.
Why don't you come tomorrow?
You can just watch.
I can't.
Gotta go to boxin',
haven't I?
Please yourself, then.
See you around.
Aye. See ya.
Right, lads. Look sharp.
Everybody, out!
Turn, turn and stop.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
Arms are in fifth.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
Turn, turn and stop.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
Where are those arms?