I can do without it.
I do not do it for the money.
What are you talking about?
The boxin', man.
I haven't seen hide nor hair
of your Billy for months.
I was gonna say something,
but I thought
it might be embarrassing.
First I knew about it.
He's never got his gloves off.
Send him round to my house,
and I'll sharp knock some sense
into him.
Scab! Scab!
Step open and balance.
Balance, balance.
Scab! Scab! Scab!
Scab! Scab! Scab!
Let's do it again.
and lift your chest.
Let's do it again.
Thank you,
Mr. Braithwaite.
Step open.
Open your arms. Do it.
Pay attention.
Arms. Like this.
All right?
Thank you, Mr. Braithwaite.
Step really open!
Powerful! Proud!
You're not
Yes, I am concentrating.
You're not even trying.
- Can we have a go of it, Miss?
- Let's do it again.
Have you noticed
anything weird about
our Billy lately?
What, are you after
like a list?
Aye, aye.
Got enough food there,
What're you doing?
Scabs eat well, eh?
You're my best mate.
First rule of a union, Gary.
You never cross a picket line.
Fucking hell.
We're all fucked
if you forget that!
We're fucked anyway!
In a speech to
Tory M.P.'s yesterday,