-Shut up. I'll call you back.
-Who are you talking to--
-What's up? What you doing?
-Just chilling.
-Did you have fun today?
-What can I say?
-It was nice, right?
-It was all right.
-I would go for it again.
-Whenever you're ready.
Let me get up.
I'm gonna go down there
and see what's going on.
The motherfucking D.A.'s son.
What the fuck aspect they get from
having this motherfucker working for me?
I gotta talk to you about some shit
we ain't talked about yet.
That some major shit that's going down.
You gotta deal with it right away.
There's some disrespect going down
and you can't allow this to happen.
Just between you and me.
No, me and you
and everybody else in here.
I need to talk to you about some shit.
-I know Rich will slap the shit out of him.
-What about?
And his father's the fucking D.A.
You can't be coming to my joint
blowing a spot like that.
-What's wrong with you?
-I'm doing this for you. Not for myself.
I work for you.
You know what I do with my life.
These guys open a club on your turf
without calling or asking you.
And no compensation. It's bullshit.
So you're gonna tell me
what's going on in my hood?
I know these cats. Scotty, Eric
and all these other motherfuckers.
White cats that I know
that are opening up this club...
...in your hood with no calls, no nothing.
I don't think it makes sense.
What you gonna do?
What am I gonna do? What's your point?
You gather information, right?
Just keep the information coming in
and you'll see what I'm gonna do.
I understand. I overstand what I gotta do.