-Come see me play sometime.
"Young people are always more given
to admiring what is wild...
"...than what is reasonable."
That is a quote from Delacroix.
I want to examine today, with you,
the question of identity.
Is culture involved
and is race a factor? Charlie?
I wanna be black.
I wanna get into the hip-hop thing.
Times are definitely different now
and things are different.
Obviously now you see
a lot of white kids...
...that admire and look up
to the black community...
...and hip-hop and rappers.
I think that people are struggling
with who they are.
That's a big thing.
And being a teenager is a transition...
...from being a kid to being an adult.
When you're an adult,
you have to know who you are.
What's not healthy about choosing a style?
You're saying I should treasure
my Russian heritage...
...and then get all caught up
in what's going on in Russia now?
I don't give a fuck! It'll never affect me!
You don't wanna be
what people expect of your race.
People say you're white,
you have to be this way.
You can't walk around and talk...
...Ebonics, you know...
...and they're saying....
Sometimes you just don't wanna be
what your race is supposed to be.
I'm like a little kid.
Little kids go through phases.
I like it now. I'll stand up for it
and say, "l'm into hip-hop."
But when it comes down to it,
I'll be over it soon.
But right now while I'm in school
and I've got comfort...
...and I'm okay and my friends are into it...
...l can go hang out with them
and I can be a part of that.
I can do whatever I want.
I'm a kid, in America.
First of all, not everybody in here is white.
I'm from the hood, and I don't live there
anymore. I don't wanna go back.
I go there to visit some friends
and they're trying to get out.
They wanna go on to a college education.