They stay in school and get their grades
so they can get out.
And I have friends that do wanna rap.
And they rap about stuff so they
can get out of the hood.
We're trying to move up
and y'all trying to go down.
I wanna leave you with a quote
on the subject of identity.
It's from Shakespeare's Othello.
Iago, who has no identity, says:
"l am not what I am."
Excuse me, my name is Sam Doneger
and this is my husband Terry Doneger.
I am a freelance documentary filmmaker.
I'm doing a project on a phenomenon
that I've followed in America...
...of white high school kids
who imitate black hip-hop life.
I would love to include you
in my documentary.
This is very important to me.
I have a vision.
I want it to be very real, raw and honest.
-You think we fit this description?
-I think you do.
So you wanna know
why we call ourselves niggas?
You actually use the term "niggers"?
lsn't that a derogatory term?
"Nigger" is a derogatory term.
"Niggas" isn't.
"Niggas" is like, "These are my niggas."
This is exactly what I'm talking about.
We should introduce her to Will.
You gotta meet Will, his brother.
He's the true nigga.
This is my girl Kim, I'm Marty, that's Wren.
Raven and Wren's girl Charlie.
I'm Sam, this is Terry...
...and include me in your day, all right?
-So you're gonna make us famous?
-Whatever I can do.
-Where'd you learn how to make movies?
-I went to NYU film school.
The 14th is no good.
We can do it on the....
Let's make it the 13th at 2:00.
Hold on one second.
-I'll call you back.
-How you doing?
-Good to see you.
-I think you know Rich.
-Absolutely. We met yesterday.