Black and White

-You haven't been drafted yet, have you?

What happens after you graduate?
I got more interesting things
going on than throwing a game.

If you don't want it, don't take it.
-What if I turned you in right now?
-Turned me in?

I don't think you'd turn me in.
Would this be the worst thing
you ever did in your life?

What? A few bad passes,
a few missed lay-ups.

Who the hell would ever know?
-What's in it for you?
-Don't worry about me.

I'll bet what I want on the game.
I'm gonna make more money than you will.
Think about it.

Tomorrow if you're around at noon,
Time Cafe downtown?

900 words? No way.
I need at least 1,800.
This is a major article I'm writing.

Look who's sitting there.
District Attorney King.

You boys were playing football.
What's the verdict?

He's got good hands.
Runs in the family.
Billy, an odd-looking guy
keeps staring at you.

-Looks like he knows you.
-Maybe he does.

I should make my way over
and introduce myself to our illustrious D.A.

George Wayne, Vanity Fair, writer.
I read your column every month.
You're wonderful.

You're the much loved, much praised...
-...District Attorney of Manhattan.
-I don't know if I'm praised and loved.

And you are Sheila King,
formerly Sheila Blair.

Assistant D.A. in charge of sex crimes.
Very good.
I've interrupted your lunch because
I'm having a meeting with my editor...

...and we're thinking about doing a story:
"Ten Who Run New York."

And you're on the short-list with the likes
of Donald Trump and the Mayor.

What do you think of that notion?
Maybe you should interview
some of his past wives, too.

-He's got two others besides this woman.

You should meet my brother Will.
He's got a nice resume, too.

Is Will studying to be a lawyer?
He's on his way to law,
but in a different sense.
