What's the wall?
The wall is where they're from.
It's where they congregate.
Can we go to the wall? Can we do that?
No, you can't go to the wall.
Don't go to the wall.
We'll go to the wall. It's a free country.
Don't go to the wall.
Don't follow them there. Don't do it.
Why don't you get back downtown?
Let's go to the wall.
Why don't you go downtown?
I'm as much from here as you are.
-Why can't we go to the wall?
-We can go if you wanna go.
-Why has he gotta be so possessive?
-Let's go. Let's go to the wall.
My brother's a pretty cool guy, isn't he?
Are you guys imitating a black culture
or a black lifestyle?
We're not imitating it,
we're influenced by it.
Did you always have that way of speaking?
ls that the way you were brought up?
Whatever. It just happened.
If you moved to London right now,
in two years you'd be talking...
...like some English person.
You talk like this to your parents?
How do they feel about it?
They hate it,
but their parents hated what they did.
So, it is about rebelling
against your parents.
It's about doing what the fuck
you wanna do.
Sam? Oh, my God!
Hi. How are you?
You've changed so much.
I have. I'm a filmmaker.
I'm doing a documentary.
What's your name?
-Howdy, Scott.
-How you doing, pal?
What do you want?
-Nothing. Just watching.
-Watching what?
The approach to Staten lsland.
Are you married?
Yeah, I'm married.
I live on the Upper East Side....
-I don't mean to be strange or pushy or...
-Well, you are.