Bless the Child

The only thing I can get on Stark
is the number for his lawyer.

- [Door Shuts]
- No, thanks.

I want to follow up
on this one.

- [ Chuckling ] Yeah, right.
- What's that supposed to mean?

Come on. The one lead
you're gonna follow up on...

is attached to a piece of tail
like that?

No wonder this priest
thing didn't work out.

This may be
the best lead we've got.

Take a look, Frank.
December 16, 1993.

The same birthday
as every kid on that board.

May I help you?
I really don't know much
about your program and--

Would you like a tour?
Our main focus has been our national
youth crusade, but our programs...

for adults have been gaining more
and more popularity.

Our self-realization seminars
only require a $400 donation.

What I'm really interested in
is speaking with Eric Stark.

His schedule doesn't allow
for personal interviews,

but I'll take you
to our computer lounge...

and you can e-mail him directly.
Before I found New Dawn, I didn't
have any respect for myself.

I didn't think
I mattered to anybody.

And Eric helped me learn
to will what I do...

and to stop letting
others judge me.

[ Man ]
Eric helps you tap into this power.

I mean, he changed
my whole life.
