A rifle...
- A rifle? This bad boy is an AK-47!
You know it can penetrate iron?
This baby can blow away suburbs.
Give it to me, I'll show you.
What took you so long?
- My mom called.
We're opening the presents...
- What did you give him?
You remember that guy that shot
at the White House?
A psychopath let off 20 shots at it.
- Never heard about it.
Fuck that, he used an AK-47.
- Hanne chipped in, too.
No I didn't, Stefan!
It's very nice. What is it, a paint gun?
- What did she say?
A paint gun... It looks real.
- Of course it's not real.
Uhh... So you're Hanne?
Stefan talks about you all the time.
We have met before?
- You remember Hanne.