Blinkende lygter

I told you!
What's going on?
He stays in there.
- He'll suffocate.

No, he won't.
He was calling Coke Henry.

So why can't I call Hanne?
- I stopped him in time.

Cool it, now.
- Come out, I'll kill you!

He promises not to do it again.
He broke the rules,
he must be punished.

Let's go outside.
- Shut up.

He'll kill us. He can't stand smoke.
- He won't find out shit.

It's actually my granddad's fault.
He caught my dad smoking and put
him in a closet with 50 smokes.

He had to smoke them all.
He's completely crazy.

What did you say?
In you go, Peter.
Okay. You can come out
when you've smoked them all.
