Blinkende lygter

I preferred "The Ritz."
- That's too swanky.

We need something catchy.
What is it, Stefan?
- Something wrong?

It's just so... beautiful.
In the long night where memory strays
lights from the past flicker on

distant signals from childhood days
to a fearful heart on the run

There's more...
someone who wants to share your nights
and your days will never get far

your life lies
behind in the flickering lights
and no-one will know who you are.

Must be something missing.
What's it called again?
"Flickering Lanterns"...
by Mily Dickinson.

The mice have been at
Mily Dickinson's book.

It's all right, nothing's missing.
Mily Dickinson is a famous poet.

It's good that Stefan's reading.
- But what does it mean?

Who cares!
Stefan, are you crying over a poem?
- No.

It's a metaphor.
- What kind of crap is that?

Are we literary critics now?
- Arne, cool it.

And your brain hasn't worked
since you got out of the freezer.
