Stefan! Are you crying over a poem?
- No, no...
Jesus, is this a sauna club or what?
Bunch of faggots.
- I'm sorry.
No, I liked that, "Flickering Lanterns."
So did I. It sounds good.
So let's call the place that.
How much does all this cost?
- Don't worry about it.
Stefan, help us.
- There's no handles.
I'd like to know how much is left.
- There's plenty.
Why can't those two help?
- Just leave them alone.
Now we've got a real refrigerator.
- Never mind that.
Beers should be cooled in the ground.
That's just how it is.
It's a question of finding
the right depth.
If it's too shallow,
the frost gets them.
You want a hand?
- No, no. Just wait.
You'll be digging plenty of holes.
It can take years to
find your personal depth.
How do you know
when you've found it?
You can taste it.
One day,
you'll take one out and taste it,
- and it's as if
the heavens open up for you.
All your sorrows are gone.
You're at peace with yourself.
You're in a state of joy!
Earth-cooled joy.
How's the work going?
A little housewarming present.
My dad shot it,
over on the other side of the lake.