I´m sorry, man.
This is my seat.
- Oh, shit. I´m so sorry.
- It´s okay. Don´t worry about it.
- Fuckin´ dumb-ass.
- Get the fuck outta here.
- What?
- Don´t talk to me. Don´t look at me.
Just get your ass out of that ltalian
leather chair and get the fuck out.
Right now. Come on.
Let´s go, schlepp rock.
Sit down.
We expect everyone here to
treat their coworkers...
with a certain level
of respect.
Before we start, I have one question.
Has anyone passed a Series Seven exam?
- I have a Series Seven license.
- Good for you. You can get out too.
What? Why?
We don´t hire brokers here.
We train new ones.
That´s it, Skippy.
Pack your shit. Let´s go.
Okay. Here´s the deal.
I´m not here to waste your time.
I hope you´re not here to waste mine.
So l´m gonna keep this short.
If you become an employee
of this firm...
you will make your first million
within three years.
Okay? I repeat that:
You will make a million dollars
within three years...
of your first day of employment
at J.T. Marlin.
There is no question whether or not
you´ll become a millionaire here.
The only question
is how many times over.
You think l´m joking?
I am not joking.
I am a millionaire.
It´s a weird thing to hear, right?
I´ll tell ya.
It´s a weird thing to say.
I am a fucking millionaire.
And guess how old I am.
You know what that makes me here?
A fuckin´ senior citizen.
This firm is entirely comprised
of people your age, not mine.