Lucky for me, l´m very fucking good
at my job, or l´d be out of one.
You guys are the new blood.
You´re gonna go home with the kessef.
You are the future big swinging dicks
of this firm.
Now, you all look money hungry,
and that´s good.
Anybody tells you money is the root
of all evil doesn´t fuckin´ have any.
They say money can´t buy happiness?
Look at the fuckin´ smile on my face.
Ear to ear, baby.
You want details? Fine.
I drive a Ferrari
355 Cabriolet.
What´s up? I have a ridiculous house
in the South Fork.
I have every toy you could imagine,
and best of all, kids...
I am liquid.
So, now you know what´s possible.
Let me tell you what´s required.
You are required to work
your fucking ass off at this firm.
We want winners here, not pikers.
A piker walks at the bell.
A piker asks how much vacation you get
in the first year. Vacation?
People come and work at this firm
for one reason: to become filthy rich.
We´re not here to make friends.
We´re not savin´ the manatees, guys.
You want vacation time?
Go teach third grade, public school.
Okay. The first three months
at the firm are as a trainee.
You make $1 50 a week.
After you´re done training,
you take the Series Seven.
Pass that, you become junior broker...
and you open accounts
for your team leader.
You open 40 accounts, you start
workin´ for yourself. Sky´s the limit.
Word about being a trainee.
Friends, parents, other brokers,
they´re gonna give you shit.
It´s true. $150 a week?
Not a lot of money.
Pay them no mind.
You need to learn this business,
and this is the time to do it.
Once you pass the test,
none of that´s gonna matter.
Your friends are shit.
Tell them you made 25 grand last month,
they´re won´t fucking believe you.
Fuck them! Fuck ´em!
Parents don´t like the life you lead?
" Fuck you, Mom and Dad."
See how it feels when you´re makin´
their fuckin´ Lexus payments.