I´m not your best friend.
That´s your mother´s racket.
I´m your father.
I tell you when you screw up.
What did you think I was gonna do?
Pat you on the back for the casino idea?
Tell you what
a great entrepreneur you are?
So what do you want me
to do, Seth?
I mean, my God, if l´d called my father
to meet me for a cup of coffee...
to talk about my screwups,
he probably would´ve laughed.
We didn´t have nice little chats
about why I was a bad boy.
I got smacked.
And I didn´t do it again.
Much simpler.
Look. I´m just trying to restore
what´s left of our relationship.
" Relationship"?
What the fuck are you
talking about, relationship?
What? Are we dating?
I´m not your girlfriend Seth;
l´m your father.
Clean up your life,
make an honest living...
and then you and I can talk
like normal people, all right?
- Hey, Seth.
- Hi. How you doin´?
- Abby.
- Oh, yeah. I know. I forgot.
It´s okay. I never told you.
Besides, the other day
you looked a little frazzled...
so I didn´t think
you´d remember anyway.
- Today´s my first day.
- No shit?
- See ya.
- See ya.
No, that´s not how it works.
If I was asking you to
own 5,000 or 10,000 shares...
of some pink-sheet, bullshit company
with negative earnings...
I´d tell you
to hang up the phone...
call your local broker
and short the stock.