Boiler Room

So I jumped off the bike...
and I landed
behind this parked car.

And I was laying there
for a good half hour.

And finally...
I hear my father´s voice up the street,
and he´s calling my name.

And I was so happy...
that he was coming
to get me.

And he comes around the car,
and he sees me lying there.

I mean, there was--
there was blood everywhere.

I look up at him...

and for the first time in my life,
I see how much my father loved me.

- ´Cause he was completely frozen.
- Wow.

You know, it hurt him to see me
in that much pain.

So he leans down
over me...

and he slaps me
across the face.

What? Why?
I don´t know.
Maybe he was mad at me for
making him feel that helpless...

or it was the only thing
he could think of.

I don´t really care

What I think of now is the look
on his face when he saw me lying there.

And that´s what I remember.
That´s what I miss.
There´s your story.
All right. I wanna talk
to you guys about appearance.

Okay? Because most ofyou
dress like shit.

I don´t know what
your financial situation is...

and I don´t want to, but you gotta get
yourself at least one decent suit...

because we have a minimum level
of aesthetic professionalism here...
