that we have to maintain.
I n three months, you can outfit
your whole closet...
but for now get something
to hold you over.
There´s an important phrase
we use here.
I think it´s time
you all learned it.
"Act as if."
Do you understand what that means?
Act as ifyou are
the president of this firm.
Act as if you got a nine-inch cock.
Act as if.
And to do that properly,
you need to at least look the part.
So go get dressed. Secondly, it´s time
to get your Series Seven books.
Don´t get nervous.
Ifyou study, you´ll pass.
Then you begin trading
as an S.E.C.-licensed broker.
Then you´re a fucking millionaire,
and it´s just that simple.
I need 300 bucks from each
ofyou for the books...
which will be returned
if and when you pass the exam.
And I need that tomorrow.
That is all.
What are you?
Last night´s erection?
Yeah, well, you know--
What´s goin´ on?
We´re movin´ to the big house, kids.
Isaac here just closed a guy
for 30,000 shares of Farrow Tech.
We´re on the big board.
We´re in there now?
- Who´s out?
- Todd and company. Come on. Let´s go.
Ifyou couldn´t pull $3,000 together,
your name wouldn´t be on my desk.
You´re embarrassing me. I´m pitching you
from under my desk. I´m embarrassed now.
Bob. Bob, be rude.
Hang up the phone.
You won´t.
You wanna know why?
Because you see value. I am
your kids´ college fund, for chrissakes.
I´m gonna pass. The only people making
money passing are N.F.L. quarterbacks.
- And I don´t see a number on your back.
- Take me offyourlist.
Fine, fine. I´m gonna take you off
my list of successful people.