You know, there´s guys who work at the
firm that make a million a year...
and they can´t even get a fucking
car loan ´cause their credit´s so bad.
It´s like everybody is just waiting
for the 1 5th of the month.
They may have a Porsche, but they don´t
have ten bucks to put in the gas tank.
- No shit.
- It´s nigger rich.
What is this guy doin´?
- All right. Thanks, man.
- Don´t forget what I said about Abby.
I think she´s trouble,
you know?
I don´t even know
what you´re talking about.
I don´t know.
I´ve just worked there a long time.
J ust looking out for my friends.
I think she´s a whore.
J ust telling you.
Well, it´s a good thing
you stopped dating her, then, right?
- I´ll see you later.
- All right. See you.