...that we started selling them
in the yard.
Ant then somebody came by to buy them...
...and they wanted rocks.
So we got rocks
out of my rock garden...
...but I didn't want to get rid of them
so he offered me $10...
...after he started booting it up more.
His wife really wanted them,
so we sold them to him.
We sold some on the internet
but not many.
It costs too much to ship a rock.
Everybody that comes is like this.
I'm so used to being on video.
I make sure, if I go to my car,
or to get the paper...
...that I at least have full makeup on,
and a great night-gown.
I wish that they'd used
a fictitious town...
...and possibly thought ahead...
...toward what type
of repercussions could come...
...from using the word documentary...
...in their advertising,
and on their web-site.
Get out of these woods, and go home!
There was no goddamn Blair Witch!
You know, there are a lot of
naysayers who come and say nay...
...but then there is supporters who
come up to my town, come up to me.
They run up to me, they stop...
Hey, Selena!
They come over to me, they hug me,
and say, "Dude, I know is real."...
...and they squeeze me, and I say,
"I know is real, too"...
...and we have a bond.
I say, "I know, and they go, I know, man,"
and I go, "I know"...