I'm a little stressed.
Try some more weed.
The Bermuda Triangle.
Is a place in the world
thas been created by hysteria...
...by people's own psychology,
by their own ideas of the place.
We were already
a persecuted minority.
This whole Blair Witch thing
set us back 300 years.
We're back in the burning times.
It fucked up our image.
Erica, people fear what they don't
understand. You must realise that.
No shit. People think that I drink
blood, that I sacrifice children...
...that I worship the devil
just because I'm a wiccan.
Where I come from, people think
because I dress in black,
I'm some kind of sick killer
or something.
I don't even believe in the devil.
Thas a Christian concept.
I believe in nature.
I hate nature.
Myth, for me...right?
...is just myth.
Is not history, is not metaphor
and is definitely not the truth...
Stephen, stories like this happen...
...because they exist
in a place of truth...
...because there's historical evidence,
there's fact.
Thas what you don't understand.
(Jeff) I want to make a film.
Wicca...A Way Of Life.
Wait, wait... Check this out.
Look at everyone.
Everyone is obsessed
with the Blair Witch
for their own reasons, including us.
Goth...A Way Of Life.
A documentary on you.
All real, all video.
Video never lies, Kim.
Film does, though.
Everyone wants to see something.
I'm telling you,
hysteria and delusions,
they breed in situations like this.