Nothing. Nothing. You're just...
(Wind howls outside)
Look, there are...
rational explanations behind this.
Behind everything thas going on.
I think we need to go home.
I'll get someone to drive us...
Not yet!
Just not yet.
I need to understand what happened.
You can understand it
on the plane ride home.
Take these.
Take them.
They'll help you sleep.
Come on, take them!
You're not making a believer
out of me, son.
It was an accident.
I swear to Christ,
it was an accident.
What the hell was that?
I'm not sure.
See that? Whoa, wait. Look.
Time code goes from 1:32am...
to 3:57am...back to 1:32am.
In the middle of the footage?
How does that happen?
I don't know. But those were
the hours that we fell asleep.
Can you make it bigger,
or slow it down?
Let me try slowing it down.
Ladies and gentlemen,
that is a naked woman.
What is a naked woman doing
swinging around a tree?
Are we sure these are our tapes?
I'm not sure of anything
in the last 24 hours.
I'll re-digitise this at a higher
resolution so I can blow it up.
This will take a few minutes.
I need alcohol.