"...more than half of the country
has been reduced to ruins.
"Whenever the rebels capture...
"...one of the supporters
of the President...
"...they immediately cut off...
"...a hand or a foot
of the unfortunate prisoner.
"Today, a UN representative...
"...who visited some of the victims
of these atrocities...
"...said such medieval behavior...
"...which disregards every existing
law and convention...
...was most unacceptable."
"And I will tell you frankly,
my brothers and sisters...
"...my belief that the fate of
the social aspect of religion...
"...will always depend on
our viewing of religion...
"...in such a way that
it is compatible with freedom.
"If you read
the pages of history...
"...you will notice that anything
that has confronted freedom...
"...has suffered in the process,
even the human virtues.
"If religion has
confronted freedom...
"...it has been damaged.
"If justice has confronted...
"If justice has confronted freedom...
"...it has been damaged.
"And if development
and construction...
"...have confronted freedom...
"...they have been damaged.
"I will mention two major cases...
"...of such a confrontation.
"The first one is
from the Middle Ages...
"...when religion and freedom
confronted one another...