Booye kafoor, atre yas

But we know that
self-flagellation is used...

...when mourning the saints
and not the artists.

I've gone rotten inside.
In fact, my heart has gone rotten.
Anything left useless will rot.
Water, too, left still too long
will become a swamp.

But you find life in a swamp.
I'll never forget the beauty of
the water lilies in Anzali Lagoon.

But what about me?
I am forbidden everywhere to use
my name, to show my face.

I am even forbidden to live.
But why?

Because I sang and danced
in my old films?

Because I played
the part of rednecks?

That was because
the script wanted me to.

Believe me, Bahman,
we are buried alive.

Look at these pictures.
This is what's left of us.
My friend, pictures and memories
are all that is left of everyone.

Don't think the others
will be better remembered.

The important thing is for us
to preserve our dignity.

But today I've come with
good news.

I want to ask you to act
in my new film.

What? You got a permit to work?
It's a documentary about
funeral rites in Iran.

Well, the lead suits me fine.
It suits everyone of our generation.
That's why I have rounded up
all my friends. You come too.

Somebody has to come
and take me there.
