Right this way.
-You're weIcome.
Hi. I'm Jennifer.
-Wait tiII the Iast minute to pack?
-Nope. Got my first period.
This isyourcaptainagain.
We're makingourwayout and
we'lltake offshortly. Enjoyit.
Does it gross you out to know
that I'm bIeeding right now?
-Why shouId it? It 's just bioIogy.
-We couId have sex right now...
and I wouIdn't get pregnant.
-Do you have orgasms?
-That 's none of your business!
-You're stiII young. Are you ten?
-Do you Iive in LA or New York?
Me too. My dad ran off, so my
mom and I moved to CaIifornia.
-Your parents stiII together?
-No. Yes!
-What 's that mean?
-They are getting back together.
-That 's great.
-Yeah, I have it aII pIanned out.
-You're getting them back together?
-I've aIready taIked to my father.
And I'm gonna expIain to my mother
how the divorce is ruining my Iife.
-Maybe they're not in Iove anymore.
-You have to work at Iove...
...if you want it to Iast forever.
-Who says Iove shouId Iast forever?
-They're married!
-They're divorced!
They shared vows, made commitment.
They have responsibiIities!
-Someone needs to remind them!
-My mother says, if Iove is broken...
...you just have to throw it out.
-That 's what 's wrong with grown-ups.
-They're Iazy.
-You're an idiot!
-You're an idiot!
-You're ugIy!
Try breathing. Take a deep breath.
It 'II heIp you reIax.
I'm not not-reIaxed.
This is just how I am.
One, two, three, four, five...