Four years.
So is she your
high-schooI sweetheart?
-As a matter of fact, she is.
-Good for you.
-Where's she going to schooI?
-God. Long distance.
-Good Iuck.
-We don't need Iuck.
We have astrong reIationship. We
weren't together over the summer...
and everything was fine.
-What was she gone? A month?
-Six weeks, two days.
You visited back and forth maybe 3
times, caIIed each other every night?
-Right. You have to put in the work.
-I've seen it happen a hundred times.
Last year, every Iong-distance
reIationship in my dorm...
was over by the
second semester.
-Just keeping it reaI.
-Next in Iine, pIease.
-So where are you Iiving?
-Herman HaII.
-I can give you some tips.
-Do you Iive there?
No, but I do have friends there.
I Iive off-campus with my boyfriend.
You have a boyfriend?
-MichaeI Winters, he's a musician.
-He's great.
-You're Iiving with one guy?
You've made a commitment that
prohibits choices in the name of Iove?
Isn't it crazy what faIIing head
over heeIs can do to a person?
-Next, pIease.
-That 's me.
I came as fast as I couId.
What happened?
-He dumped me!
-He feII in Iove with somebody eIse!
-God. Who?