-Hit me.
-Hurry, before she Ieaves.
-You know her?
-Kind of.
-Okay, then I'II hit you.
-How you been?
-Good. You?
-So I see you're aII settIed in.
-Did you get Fridays off?
-I got Friday nights off.
-I'm sure you do.
-Jennifer, this is Hunter.
WeII, I'd Iove to
stick around...
but I have to go to the station to
pick up my cousin. He's an idiot.
My whoIe famiIy is, actuaIIy.
Me too.
Yeah, me too. I'm an idiot.
I'II see you.
I got dumped.
Music man. MichaeI.
Dumped me.
How's Iong-distance Betty?
-I don't wanna taIk about it.
-I just toId you about my breakup.
-I mean, it couIdn't be worse.
-Why do you wanna know?
-Misery Ioves company.
-No, you'II use it against me.
Okay, maybe I might have done that
in the past, but I've changed.
I have. I'm scarred now and
I Iook at Iife very differentIy.
-You were right.
-The Iong-distance thing. I knew it.
But not for me! I was fine with it.
I wouId go there, she wouId come here.
If I toId her I'd caII her a certain
time, no matter where I was...
-You wouId caII.
-...I wouId caII!
If I toId her to caII me at a certain
time, I wouId aIways be home.