WiII the girI continue to refer
to herseIf in the third person?
-Did Ryan WaIker just make ajoke?
-I don't know. Let me ask him.
You know, you're pretty funny
when you're depressed.
-WeII, get ready for comedy.
-Another one!
A few more, I'II take you back to
the cIinic to fix your busted gut.
-You Iost it.
-Not funny?
Let 's put it this way: anymore
of those, and we'II break again.
Come on, this is it!
Round arms! Seven! Eight!
-How's it going?
-Get ready!
EIeven, ready spiraI!
How are you doing?
Other way.
PuII out!
Excuse me. Question:
ExactIy how far can you bend over?
-Do you come here a Iot?
-It 's reaIIy beautifuI.
-One of the greatest achievements.
You're the second person
to caII me that this week.
-You know the onIy way to buiId it?
-AIien sIaves from outer space?
Perfect pIanning.
And doesn't it make so much sense?
You examine asituation, you pIan
a course of action, you execute it.
And everything works out fine.
But it doesn't.
WeII, that 's because most things
in Iife just aren't that simpIe.
Does that Iook simpIe to you?