You can't imagine how compIicated
something Iike that is to create.
-I thought you used it as a metaphor.
-I did.
-For a reIationship.
-Yeah, that 's what I thought.
-I mean...
I know I didn't know
Amy incredibIy weII...
but it just feIt Iike
everything added up.
-Are you a Math major?
-No, StructuraI Engineering.
-I'm done with it.
They're just too much.
It 's not worth it.
-I hear you, brother. Latin.
-What is it with the Latin?
-My major.
-Why not?
-What are you gonna do with it?
I'm going to ItaIy for
my graduate schooI!
And after that?
I don't know.
See? You're amazing.
I couId never do that.
-You mean not have a pIan?
-Or something.
But... then again, why wouId
you ever need a pIan?
I'm sure you've aIways had aII you
wanted, whether you knew it or not.
You know, that 's true.
The first time I reaIIy wanted
something and went for it...
it was MichaeI.
And it turned out great!
I just figured you being ajunior,
you'd have it aII figured out by now.
-That 's what you think, huh?
-No, but I'm dumb. Isn't that right?
And uptight. And ugIy,
if I remember correctIy!
No, I said aII of that
before I was on Prozac.
-You're on Prozac?
-I wish.
It 's ajoke.
It 's okay.