Just another Iawsuit.
-Hello. Wannago do something?
-Youhaven't heardmyproposal.
-It 's the beauty of our friendship:
I don't need to hear your proposaI
to know that my answer is ''no''.
I am the beauty in
our friendship.
-I'm hanging up now.
-You can't.
-Give me one goodreason!
I've rigged an expIosive device to
your phone, and your pIace wiII bIow.
WeII, I've been
burned before, so...
Come on.
lcan't studyanymore.
I'm getting too smart.
PeopIe wiII start shunning me.
-OnIy if you beg me.
-I just did.
In Latin.
Come on!
-You weren't gonna go.
-I was too!
-You weren't going!
-Ladies first.
Okay. Fine.
Why don't I count for you?
-AII right.
-Three. Here we go.
-You know, I can't heIp you.
-You can heIp me at the bottom.